salmon air造句


  1. Other commuter airlines providing service to Salt Lake City included Air Midwest, Salmon Air and Sun Valley Key Airlines.
  2. To serve the North American market, the Chilean industry has developed a salmon air freight and distribution system out of Miami.
  3. The Bristol Bay Borough in southwestern Alaska also saw a 10 percent drop in population, partly due to the closing of the King Salmon Air Base.
  4. I know a Seattle native living in exile in Washington, D . C ., who has a whole Pacific salmon air-freighted to him when he and his wife give a dinner party.
  5. All of these communities are primarily inhabited by Alaska Natives, except for King Salmon; the former being influenced early-on by white salmon-cannery employees of European descent and the latter being heavily populated by military personnel stationed, primarily during Cold War years, at the nearby King Salmon Air Force Station and later by visitors and employees of the nearby Katmai National Park and Preserve.
  6. It's difficult to find salmon air in a sentence. 用salmon air造句挺难的


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